13 Apr Texas Farm Girl at Dallas Farmer’s Market
Being an author is a great honor that I take very seriously. It’s not just publishing books or even weaving stories, Texas Farm Girl was designed to educate, entertain, and inspire above all else. While the stories are entertaining and the illustrations second to none, my hope is that children will learn lessons they can apply to their life while also learning about farming and where their food comes from.
I had an amazing opportunity last week to share the Texas Farm Girl message with 3rd graders from a local Dallas school. 62 bright, eager faces sat before me waiting to hear about the adventures of Texas Farm Girl and, most importantly, learn about farming and how their food gets to their dinner tables.
Agricultural education was the theme of this field trip. I did book readings of Texas Farm Girl to the students, while Patrick Wright, a representative from Bonton Farms spoke to the kids about soil, mulch and planting their own food. Janiece Black, with the Dallas Farmer’s Market, explained the differences between a fruit and a vegetable.
*Hint: a tomato is definitely a fruit.

Rebecca Crownover with Dallas Farmer’s Market reps Beth Clem and Janiece Black and Patrick Wright from Bonton Farms
The three of us answered some great questions that we hope made a lasting impression about farming and agriculture. When I asked the kids what came to mind when they thought of a farm, I received a variety of answers. Some thought farmers just had a field of sand like a sand box and drove tractors in it. Others thought farms were just a bunch of animals and barns and some children even thought that farmers had a bunch of small gardens.
Texas Farm Girl: Farming in the Texas Panhandle opened their eyes when showing them how farms can look in that particular part of Texas. I’m always surprised by children’s perception of farms and being able to provide some insight to their perspective is a joy.
I’m very honored to work with the Dallas Farmer’s Market and truly appreciate them for including Texas Farm Girl as part of their programs for the community.
The Dallas Farmer’s Market is a fun place to check out during the week and on the weekends with wonderful restaurants with farm fresh ingredients and fun shopping. Farmers from all over come to the market to sell fresh produce, fresh eggs, farm to table items, and unique gifts you can’t find anywhere else!
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