Celebrate Summer with Family and Faith

It’s summertime! Though some kids have been out of school for a few weeks now, the official start of summer was Thursday. I think we can all agree that spring is gone and the long, hot days of summer are upon us.

Most people pack their summers with sports or camps or vacations they’ve been dreaming of since winter. In all the chaotic joys of summer, it’s easy to watch the days fly by without truly appreciating them.

Summer is a great gift. The weather is welcoming and the days are longer. It’s almost as if we’ve been given more time to enjoy the wonders of life. Family is one such wonder.

Too often we let the hustle and bustle of life distract us from the importance of spending real time with our family and real time with our faith. Let’s not allow that to happen this summer. We have a few more hours of sunshine each day – let’s spend them wisely.

Take this summer to reintroduce yourself to your faith and cherish the gift of summer with family.


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